/*]]>*/Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary - SWBTS & TBC Campus Visits

    SWBTS & TBC Campus Visits

    Thank you for your interest in visiting Southwestern Seminary and Texas Baptist College!

    As one of the largest seminaries in the world, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary equips men and women with the theological education necessary to fulfill the call the Lord has placed on your life. With a strong commitment to Scripture and the Great Commission, Southwestern Seminary has trained and commissioned more than 46,000 graduates to serve in local churches and mission fields around the world.

    Visiting campus is the best way to experience Southwestern Seminary and Fort Worth, Texas. You'll learn more about our schools and programs, meet faculty members, and hear from our admissions staff about what it looks like to become a Southwesterner. We look forward to welcoming you to Seminary Hill!

    The premier campus visit experience offered by Texas Baptist College and Southwestern Seminary is our Preview Day. If you would like to register for this event, click one of the links below:

    Note: Tuesday and Thursday visits during the semester have Chapel at 10 am included. Summer visits starting at 3 pm will be abbreviated to two hours to finish at 5 pm.

    Unavailable / Filled
    Not Scheduled